Your True Self

Published on 5 February 2025 at 00:09

Do you know who you are?
I know it sounds like a strange question, but when you look back at different stages of your life, you may start evaluating the choices you made and the things you did in the past that you wouldn’t do now. And that’s okay. It’s simple you’re not that person anymore.

When you begin to walk with God, you won’t be the same person. The person who once went out all the time, drank, smoke will start to fade away. As God works in your life, He will make you feel uncomfortable in situations that once felt normal, revealing that you are no longer the person you used to be. People you used to know will start asking, “Why are you acting differently?” It’s not that you are pretending to be someone else; rather God is revealing who he has called you to be.

Trust that you will encounter mistakes and setbacks along the way. But, when you do, remember that God is always there to lift you up. You’ll move differently not because you’re acting differently, but because God has transformed you. Your desires will no longer be the same, because you are not the same.

I can definitely relate. After being baptized again and diving deeper into God’s word, I found that the things I used to do no longer appeal to me. I began to see God exposing areas in my life that needs to change. One consistent message I’ve received from God is that, in this season I will need to learn to be vulnerable.

I didn’t realized  how closed off I had become and how “strong” I felt I needed to be. God revealed me to a key part of my strength comes from my vulnerability.

Vulnerability isn’t a word that many people, especially African-American people like to hear often. Many of us have been shaped by the world’s definition of vulnerability. However, the biblical definition it different. It means being honest about who you truly are , even those pieces of you that you naturally would hide.

Living in this world can change you from being the person God called you to be.

As His children, when we turn back to Him, He begins to transform our hearts and minds, revealing our true identity in God.

God will start removing all things that do not align with his nature. When this transformation begin to happen, those who knew the old you won’t recognize who you’re becoming. That’s because you’re starting to reflect more and more of your Heavenly Father God.

In the scripture “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" 2 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭17‬ ‭NIV‬‬.

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